Additional Hook Config APIs


The SaveConfig class customizes the frequency of saving tensors. The hook takes a SaveConfig object which is applied as default to all tensors included. A collection can also have a SaveConfig object which is applied to the collection’s tensors. You can also choose to have different configuration for when to save tensors based on the mode of the job.

This class is available in the following namespaces smdebug and smdebug.{framework}.

import smdebug as smd
save_config = smd.SaveConfig(
    mode_save_configs = None,
    save_interval = 100,
    start_step = 0,
    end_step = None,
    save_steps = None,


  • mode_save_configs (dict): Used for advanced cases; see details below.

  • save_interval (int): How often, in steps, to save tensors. Defaults to 500. A step is saved if step % save_interval == 0

  • start_step (int): When to start saving tensors.

  • end_step (int): When to stop saving tensors, exclusive.

  • save_steps (list[int]): Specific steps to save tensors at. Union with save_interval.


  • SaveConfig() will save at steps 0, 500, …

  • SaveConfig(save_interval=1) will save at steps 0, 1, …

  • SaveConfig(save_interval=100, end_step=200) will save at steps 0, 100

  • SaveConfig(save_interval=100, end_step=201) will save at steps 0, 100, 200

  • SaveConfig(save_interval=100, start_step=150) will save at steps 200, 300, …

  • SaveConfig(save_steps=[3, 7]) will save at steps 0, 3, 7, 500, …

Specifying different configuration based on mode

There is also a more advanced use case, where you specify a different SaveConfig for each mode. It is best understood through an example:

import smdebug as smd
    smd.modes.TRAIN: smd.SaveConfigMode(save_interval=1),
    smd.modes.EVAL: smd.SaveConfigMode(save_interval=2),
    smd.modes.PREDICT: smd.SaveConfigMode(save_interval=3),
    smd.modes.GLOBAL: smd.SaveConfigMode(save_interval=4)

Essentially, create a dictionary mapping modes to SaveConfigMode objects. The SaveConfigMode objects take the same four parameters (save_interval, start_step, end_step, save_steps) as the main object. Any mode not specified will default to the default configuration. If a mode is provided but not all params are specified, we use the default values for non-specified parameters.


ReductionConfig allows the saving of certain reductions of tensors instead of saving the full tensor. The motivation here is to reduce the amount of data saved, and increase the speed in cases where you don’t need the full tensor. The reduction operations which are computed in the training process and then saved.

During analysis, these are available as reductions of the original tensor. Please note that using reduction config means that you will not have the full tensor available during analysis, so this can restrict what you can do with the tensor saved. You can choose to also save the raw tensor along with the reductions if you so desire.

The hook takes a ReductionConfig object which is applied as default to all tensors included. A collection can also have its own ReductionConfig object which is applied to the tensors belonging to that collection.

import smdebug as smd
reduction_config = smd.ReductionConfig(
    reductions = None,
    abs_reductions = None,
    norms = None,
    abs_norms = None,
    save_raw_tensor = False,


  • reductions (list[str]): Takes names of reductions, choosing from “min”, “max”, “median”, “mean”, “std”, “variance”, “sum”, “prod”

  • abs_reductions (list[str]): Same as reductions, except the reduction will be computed on the absolute value of the tensor

  • norms (list[str]): Takes names of norms to compute, choosing from “l1”, “l2”

  • abs_norms (list[str]): Same as norms, except the norm will be computed on the absolute value of the tensor

  • save_raw_tensor (bool): Saves the tensor directly, in addition to other desired reductions

For example,

ReductionConfig(reductions=['std', 'variance'], abs_reductions=['mean'], norms=['l1'])

will save the standard deviation and variance, the mean of the absolute value, and the l1 norm.

Configuration using SageMaker Python SDK

The reductions are passed as part of the “reductions” parameter to HookParameters or Collection Parameters. Refer Configuring Hook using SageMaker Python SDK and Configuring Collection using SageMaker Python SDK for more on that.

The parameter “reductions” can take a comma separated string consisting of the following values:
